Dave Stotts, host of Drive Thru History, explores the scripture, history, geography, archaeology, and impact of Thessalonians in the Bible’s New Testament. The home base for the series is Dave’s Garage, a state-of-the-art, extended reality lair where almost anything is possible. In addition to teaching with a collection of monitors, maps, animations and artifacts, Dave treks outside his garage for special adventures in Israel. Designed for all ages, "Bible Backroads" is fun, fast-paced, and educational, encouraging families to dig deeper into the Gospel accounts together.
Learn more about this course: https://www.drivethruadventures.com/biblebackroads
This is not a DVD purchase. When you buy a Drive Thru History® digital course on Adventures, you get more than just the episodes! We include a Bible study curriculum with worksheets for individual study or to enable group discussion!